How to Have Good Fashion Sense (for Guys)
It’s easy to become overwhelmed by all the information that is thrown at us daily in this day and age.
And with 24×7 access to this pool of content that is the internet, we’re seeing fashion bloggers left and right with widely different styles pulling off some crazy fits.
Also, we’re being advertised to buy a flurry of brands & their niche fashion themes at every click.
When we visit a clothing brand’s website, there are usually so many alternatives that it is difficult to separate them.
I don’t believe it’s a negative thing; I love technology and social media.
I think it’s a terrific tool until we lose sight of the foundations of what makes a good outfit good and how to put it together.
We’d be presenting some crucial foundations to putting together a decent outfit, some basics that are always excellent to revisit, and others a bit more advanced to help you enhance your style.

Fit differs from the shape of your clothes. The shape is the style you wear while fit can be defined as the measure which suits your body shape well.
For example, some drip-style clothes have sloppy shapes and it is generally considered standard for that thematical occasion.
This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wear wider fits or even skinnier fits.
You need to take into consideration your actual body shape and size and wear clothes that fit you that aren’t overly large or ridiculously tight.
It means your pants should fit comfortably at your waist without needing a belt to hold them up.
It means your t-shirt should look like a t-shirt, not like a dress or a crop top intentionally designed that way to be oversized in certain areas.
There is a big difference between clothes that were purposefully made to be oversized or cropped; And apparel that is merely two sizes too big or two sizes too small.
The former is generally cut by expert designers with a keen eye in a very precise fashion to be a little longer, larger or shorter in certain areas of the garment, but not in others.
While the latter just makes you look like you have no clue what you’re wearing.
So be aware of how your clothes fit you, especially the waist inseam and shoulder seams at number.

When it comes to colour, less is more as a general rule.
Why do you believe every fashion expert advises wearing neutral colors?
Because it’s hard to mess up your color pairings when your entire wardrobe consists of navy gray and white.
But I assume many of you want to incorporate a little more color than that.
Including two neutrals (black and white), the colors generally considered neutrals in fashion are gray, navy, brown, khaki, and the cream tones like off-white and beige, which are really just lighter shades of brown.
This doesn’t mean that you can’t be more adventurous and wear more than three colors or multiple bold colors.
It’s just a general guideline to help you not mess up an outfit if you feel like you’re more at the beginning stages of your understanding of fashion.
But then it’s up to you to discover and develop your own style through trial and error.
And over time, you’ll find that you gravitate towards certain colors more you might find that you like to keep a very neutral monochromatic color palette.
You might find that you like having lots of bright bold colors or you might be somewhere in between and just have one or two statement colors that you’ll occasionally wear.
You’ll also figure out that some colors might work better against your skin tone while others will make you look dry and washed out.


Proper use of texture can turn a suitable outfit into a great one and when pulled off correctly, people will appreciate your style even more.
As they get up close and see the attention to detail that you put in different textures, which can give off different moods and different vibes to an outfit.
The trick is to be deliberate in your fabric selection. For example, combining the comfortable wintry feel of fleece with old-school corduroy pants and hefty sneakers with soft, smooth leather makes for a fantastic combination.
It’s because each texture is different enough that no one piece gets lost in the mix; they all complement each other nicely.
Because they have the same underlying tone of that cozy winter streetwear vibe.
It gets dangerous if you try to pull off the same texture from head to toe because then you risk having it look too costumey.
On the contrary, you can also opt for a look that has no visible texture at all; which can make for a very minimal modern look, and with the right pieces, it can feel quite sophisticated and elegant.

The shape is something that you’re creating with the combination of the different pieces of your outfit.
This is where experimentation with different fits comes in.
You create a top-heavy look with an oversized sweater, slim jeans, and boots to elongate your legs for a chic rocker look that even leans a little feminine.
Or maybe you want to intentionally go for a chunky wide and relaxed look all over but bring in that bit of structure with a sharp press crease on your trousers.
Or perhaps you want to create a more classic look with streamlined tailored trousers and a slim-fitting top that gently hugs your body without being overly tight.
Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and try pieces with different cuts and create different silhouettes through trial and error.
With consistent experimentation, you’ll form your own aesthetic appeal.

Accessories are another place where you can really express yourself and have your style speak for you.
It’s not that you should bring out the golden necklace, iced-out watch, and stack of bracelets every time you get dressed.
But I think a suitable outfit is not complete without some sort of accessories to complement it.
Even if it’s just a simple watch with a very classic t-shirt and jeans can give you a cool classic look.
For example, with no accessories at all, it looks a little bit empty but you can just include a minimal silver mesh watch and it instantly makes it look a little more like an actual outfit and not just something you slapped on with no thought behind it.
If you happen to wear glasses, you can even use that as an additional accessory.
You may combine the metal of your glasses with the bezel of your watch.
You can go as loud as a bold, bright-colored scarf and show a little more edginess with an interesting bracelet.
Or be more subtle with a simple thin silver chain underneath your shirt that’s just peeking out at the neckline.
From watches to scarves, hats, gloves, and jewelry, you have lots of fantastic accessory options to help complete a look and truly make it your own.

You may create a whole alternative attire by just adding a different item.
The fashion industry is certainly not new to layering.
If not done correctly, the layered style has the potential to make even the most well-meaning individual appear messy and disorganized.
The act of layering takes skill. Maintain a consistent color combination.
Consider choosing hues that can all belong to the same color family, whether you decide to go with blue or yellow.
Going overboard with the hue can make you appear more clownish than fashion-forward.
To add dimension and structure to the ensemble, try a scarf or tailored jacket.
Make sure that layers may be removed or added according to occasional functionality as required without making what’s underlying visible.

Even if you get all the above correctly, you get the fit on point, and the colors match perfectly; there’s still one more important aspect to consider.
If your clothes aren’t made for the environment that you’re in, then it’s pointless whether there is a certain dress code you need to adhere to for work or certain events.
Maybe it’s rainy outside but you’ve stacked up too many layers that aren’t required for mild rainy coldness (and also it can make you look a bit bulky).
Once you’re indoors, these are all factors that you need to be mindful of when choosing your outfit.
Remember to be mindful of the dress code and check the weather app.